The global impact of COVID-19 on people and businesses is rightly causing many to discuss and re-evaluate how we interact with one another. Dataserv has taken a comprehensive approach to deal with the current crisis and we would like to take a moment to share with you how we are protecting our employees and their families, and you our customers and partners, whilst maintaining our service obligations.
We closely monitor updates from the Ministry of Health as well as global health organisations including the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) to inform our measures to help protect our immediate and extended customer and partner ecosystem.
We have for some time adopted flexible work from home policies and we have broadened these to help reduce the possibility of transmission. We have further tested our remote operational capability and have taken steps already to deliver a higher proportion of our operations remotely to robustly confirm our operational procedures should we need to operate outside of our physical facilities.
Dataserv employees are taking all possible measures to safeguard themselves and, by extension, you. This is primarily through heightened awareness and observance of basic personal and workplace hygiene practices and clear protocols in the event people feel unwell or otherwise exposed.
In summary, we are well prepared to serve our customers at full capability, regardless of where the work is taking place. Should conditions in NZ worsen, we are confident we can quickly respond to changing market dynamics, minimising impacts to our business and disruptions to our customers and partners.
We sympathise with everyone who has been affected by this virus and are immensely thankful for those working to combat it. We encourage everyone to follow local guidelines to protect themselves and their communities.
Thank you for your continued trust in us. We are well prepared to navigate through these circumstances with your confidence in us at the forefront of our thoughts and actions.
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